The Nomes & Their Gods
Nome Gods of Upper Egypt
# | Name (English) | Name (Egyptian) | Location | Capital | God |
1 | Ta-Sety | First Cataract of the Nile to Gebel el-Silsila | Elephantine | Isis at Philae Khnemu Satet Anuket Harsiesis Sobek |
2 | Throne of Horus | Thes-hor | Edfu area | Apollinopolis Magna | Horus-Behdety |
3 | Shrine | Ten | Hierakonoplis to north of Esna | Nekheb / Esna | Horus of Nekhen Nekhebet Khnemu Menhyt Neith |
4 | Sceptre | Uast | Armant and the Theban area | Thebes | Amon Mut Khonsu Montu Sobek |
5 | Two Falcons | Herui | Area around Koptos | Koptos | Min Seth |
6 | Crocodile | Aa-ta | Most of the east to west bend of the Nile | Dendera | Hathor |
7 | Sistrum | Seshesh | The Nile's return to its South-North direction around Nag Hammadi | House of Horus | Bat Hathor |
8 | Great Land | Abt | Area around Abydos | Abydos / This | Khentamentiu Osiris Onuris |
9 | Min | Min | Area around Akhmim | Apu | Min |
10a, 10b? | Cobra | Uatchet | North of Qaw el-Kebir | Aphroditopolis | Seth of Tjebu Mihos Hathor |
11 | Seth | Set | Smallest nome in Egypt on west bank of Nile near Deir Rifa | Hypsele | Seth Khnemu |
12 | Viper Mount | Tu-f | East bank of Nile around Deir el-Gebrawi opposite Asyut | Antaeopolis | Anti Horus |
13 | Upper Sycamore and Viper | Atef-khent | West bank of Nule around Asyut | Lycopolis | Wepwawet Anubis |
14 | Lower Sycamore and Viper | Atef-pehu | Vicinity of Meir and Cusae | Cusae | Hathor |
15 | Hare | Un | Area around el-Ashmunein and Antinopolis, including el-Amarna | Hermopolis | Thoth The Ogdoad Aten |
16 | Oryx | Meh-mahetch | From Beni Hasan to north of el-Minya | Hipponon | Pakhet Horus |
17 | Jackal | Anpu | Vicinity of Samalut | Cynopolis | Anubis |
18 | Anti | Sep | East bank of Nile including el-Hiba to opposite el-Lahun | Alabastronpolis | Anti Seth |
19 | TwoSceptres | Uab | West bank of Nile from el-Bahnasa (Oxyrhynchus) to Biba | Oxyrhynchus | Seth |
20 | Southern Sycamore | Atef-khent | West bank of Nile around Benu Suef | Herakleopolis Magna | Heryshaf Khnemu Her-shefi |
21 | Northern Sycamore | Atef-pehu | West bank of Nile around el-Wasta and Meidum | Ermen-hert | Khnemu |
22 | Knife | Maten | Northernmost nome of Upper Egypt stretching along east desert from Atfih towards Memphis | Aphroditopolis | Hathor |
Nome Gods of Lower Egypt
# | Name (English) | Name (Egyptian) | Location | Capital | God |
1 | White Wall | Aneb-Hetch | Memphis area | Memphis | Ptah Sokar Apis |
2 | Foreleg | Khensu | Southwest Delta apex | Letopolis | Horus Kherty |
3 | West | Ament | Northwest Delta flanking Libyan desert | Apis | Hathor |
4 | Southern Shield | Sapi-res | Southwest Delta | Tceqa | Neith Sobek Isis Amon |
5 | Northern Shield | Sap-meh | Sais area to coast | Sais | Neith |
6 | Mountain Bull | Kaset | Mid-Delta to coast | Xois | Re Amon-Re |
7 | Western Harpoon | Ament | Northwest Delta along Rosetta branch of the Nile | Senti-nefert | Ha |
8 | Eastern Harpoon | Abt | East Delta along Wadi Tummilat to Bitter Lakes | Succoth | Atum |
9 | Andjety | Ati | Mid-Delta to Busiris | Busiris | Osiris |
10 | Black Ox | Ka-qem | Southeast Delta around Athribis | Athribis | Horus |
11 | Ox-count | Ka-heseb | Mid-east Delta | Cabasus | Shu Tefnut Mihos Isis |
12 | Calf and Cow | Theb-ka | Northeast Delta from Sebennytos to coast | Sebennytos | Onuris |
13 | Prospering Sceptre | Heq-at | South-east Delta apex | Heliopolis | Atum Iusaas Mnevis Re |
14 | Foremost of the East | Khent-abt | East frontier Delta to Pelusium beyond modern Port Said | Sile | Seth Horus |
15 | Ibis | Tehut | Northeast Delta along Damietta branch of the Nile | Hermopolis | Thoth |
16 | Fish | Kha? | Northeast Delta from Mendes to coast | Mendes | Banebdjedet Hatmehyt |
17 | Behdet | Sam-behutet | Northeast Delta coast west of Damietta branch of the Nile | Diospolis | Horus-Behdety Amon-Re |
18 | Prince of the South | Am-khent | Northeast Delta around Bubastis | Bubastis | Bastet |
19 | Prince of the North | Am-pehu | Northeast Delta incorporating Tanis | Tanis | Wadjet |
20 | Plumed Falcon of Sopedu | Sept | Northeast Delta above Wadi Tummilat | Qesem | Sopdet |
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