What's New & Site History
April 3, 2007 - There is a new goddess to learn about; everyone, please meet the lovely Renenutet.
April 1, 2007 - It isn't an April Fool's joke! There really is new content on the site! wo0t! Please check out the newest gods: Baal, Ihy, and Reshep.
Also, the Gods page was made a little more user-friendly was some alpha jump-links and a smidge of re-arranging to make it easier to update.
Minor typography change too. Five points to anyone who notices.
March 30, 2007 - Based on user feedback a new entrance page was created. Also, some background tweaks and changes were done to improve the user experience.
New gods are coming soon... stay tuned!
June 30, 2006 - Sadly, this web site has not been updated in quite a while, much to Management's dismay.
However, we would like to update the web site with new articles and information and we are a little stumped as to where to begin. Therefore, dear reader, are there any the Gods, the Myths, or the Symbols that you would like to learn more about? Perhaps there is some general Egyptian mythology questions that you would like answered? Please contact us and we will work on some new articles for you.
(Please make sure to check the web site to make sure that the information you are looking for isn't already posted.)
March 30, 2005 - A new image of Montu is online, and there is a new title image in rotation.
March 7, 2005 - the Fast Facts about Modern Egypt have been updated.
February 22, 2005 - Hmm... must have been tired. The information about the cities of Heliopolis, Hermopolis, Thebes, and Elephantine was updated a while ago, but never uploaded. Never fear, its all online now.
Beautiful new images of Geb and Sokar are online. Enjoy!
February 1, 2005 - The frog-goddess Heket has been added.
September 1, 2004 - The lion-god Mihos has been added. Thanks, Senebty!
August 9, 2004 - A new section has been added to the Land involving regional mythology. It will be expanded in the future. Other minor tweaks.
July 22, 2004 - The goddess Bat now makes her home here.
June 22, 2004 - I have started a new Egyptian archaeology blog where I will post new developments in the world of Egyptology as well as my witty commentary of the same.
Also, the sidebar to the right has been changed to include the links that you are used to on the splash page. The search feature will be added there soon, as well.
Finally, new pictures of Nut, Shu and Ammut. Whew! Busy day!
June 15, 2004 - New links have been added to the Resources.
June 13, 2004 - The entry page has a new look to it. Plus, a new god and goddess live here, Heh and Meshkhent. The basket symbol can be found on the site. Also, a new image of Tefnut is online.
January 22, 2004 - I am pleased to announce that Ancient Egypt: the Mythology has begun a new chapter in its seven year history. Welcome to version 2.0!!!
Along with the site re-design, you will notice that we now are featuring advertising and a Pay Pal donate link. It is not my intention for this site to ever break a profit, only to break even. I figure that just in the cost of the books I have purchased to use in researching this site, I have paid probably about $1,000.00 US. Plus there is the monthly web hosting fee. if this site can just earn $20.00 a month and just cover that, I will be happy.
So if this site helped you with your homework, enhanced your understanding of Egypt, or entertained you even a little bit. Please consider making a donation...
September 26, 2003 - The god Sokar is on the scene. Plus new and improved images of Nephthys.
September 18, 2003 - A slow day for me equals a lot of changes for the site. A new god, Wepwawet, a new symbol, akh, and a new article, Funerary Texts. Also updates on the goddesses Nut and Hathor, and the god Khepera. The Symbols menu now has icons for each symbol by its name and description.
May 22, 2003 - A new goddess has appeared. Say "hello" to Sopdet! Also, a new image was added to the Ogdoad page, now you can see the layout of the ruins of that ancient town.
May 19, 2003 - The Bookstore has been updated. Shop! shop! shop!
May 17, 2003 - I can't believe its been over two years since the site has been online and updated. I used to be upset if I waited more than a month to add something new. In any case, Ancient Egypt: the Mythology is obviously online again... but this time at www.EgyptianMyths.net
At the moment, I will be concentrating on general clean-up of the original site, including removing orphaned files and images. Also I will be fully integrating my style sheets throughout the site. Hopefully, this will make for quicker edits and additions. More changes to follow...
May 3, 2001 - A new award! Thank you 13th Street! In honor of this accolade, a new title image is online. Can you reload enough until you find the primative goddess image? Hmm...
March 13, 2001 - New image of Horus and some additional information about him, too.
February 17, 2001 - New image of Qetesh
February 6, 2001 - New images for the praise symbol and for Re. Also updated the biography of Qetesh. Plus, a new symbol is online... the pool.
January 6, 2001 - Happy New Year everyone! Had to update my copyright notices to reflect the new year. I don't know when the next update to AE:tM will be... I've been working on some other stuff.
October 17, 2000 - Cleaned up the Resources a bit, plus added a new one for the Egyptian Collection of the British Museum.
October 14, 2000 - Added new pictures of Anqet, Khepera, Min, and the sekhem sceptre. Also added a new picture of Hapi, the god of the Nile and updated his biography. Plus the cult centers of various gods were added.
Thanks, Shell
October 12, 2000 - Updated the Bookstore with my most recent purchases. Click on the names of the books, and you will be taken directly to the page at Amazon.com where you can purchase the book.
October 9, 2000 - Fixed that ugly broken image link in the guestbook. I am getting really tired of saying that I am "fixing" things on the site, but about 6 months of neglect has led to a lot of miscellaneous problems.
By the way, the Bowers Museum in Santa Ana, California is displaying an excellent collection of artifacts on loan from the British Museum. If you are in the area, you should not miss it.
October 1, 2000 - Busy, busy weekend netted a lot of new information and pretty pictures, for you, my devoted reader. Here we go:
New symbols and information:
- the West
- the brazier, a symbol of fire
- Blue and yellow were added to the colors
New images of:
- The nefer
- all Four Sons of Horus: Duamutef, Hapy, Imsety and Qebehsenuef
- the Shabaka Stone is available at on the page about the beliefs of Memphis
- Thoth
- Bes
September 26, 2000 - Fixed miscellaneous problems in the site. Hopefully everything is as it should be for now.
September 22, 2000 - Added the hieroglyphs for Onuris' name.
September 14, 2000 - New god on the block: Onuris and the search engine is fixed! A two-for-one special!
September 6, 2000 - The beginnings of new additions and changes: the image of the Memphis triad has changed. Same pendant from Tutankhamun's tomb, just of higher quality. The image for Khonsu has also changed.
Next, a new image in the title page rotation. This one is of the famed falcon pendant from Tutankhamun's tomb.
July 16, 2000 - I feel like just a loser for effectively not updating AE:tM in almost 8 months. But in any case, please note the new e-mail address to use to ask questions, Netjert@EgyptianMyths.net.
Plus, I added more information about the symbolism of Colors.
Plus, plus, a new navigation bar is in place at the bottom of all content pages. The ba graphic on the left will take you back to the main page and the pyramids graphic on the right will take you to the top of whatever page you are currently at.
Also, there is "Last Updated" information and a copyright notice. Bye bye ugly form "Return to the Previous Page" thingie. May the God of HTML forgive me for that one.
Let me know what you think! And as always, let me know what type of Egyptian mythology information should be added to the site. Thanx!
Jan. 31, 2000 - Okay, there isn't a good way to say this, but someone gave AE:tM a "Web Book" award a long time ago. I lost the e-mail so I don't know who it was or for what. But I'm really thrilled nevertheless! It's online now though.
Jan. 27, 2000 - Updated and corrected some broken links. AE:tM has also won its first award of the last year of this millennium, Cyber-Teddy Top 500 of the Web.
Jan. 21, 2000 - Finally! AE:tM has it's own domain name! Purdy purdy purdy pleeeze update all of your bookmarks and links!!!
The new URL is www.egyptianmyths.net
Jan. 6, 2000 - The bookstore was updated with three new volumes.
Jan. 5, 2000 - New picture for Seshat.
November 14, 1999 - Updated the search engine and added a new symbol, the Star.
In a fit of boredom I did a census of the deities online here at AE:tM and there are now exactly FIFTY! Neat, huh? And there are 38 symbols! That's an awful lot!
I hope you all appreciate the work that maintaining AE:tM entails. For the past 3 years there has been only one lonely little person working on this site (and that will be the extent of the staff as long as I continue to be the perfectionist bitch that I am). If you would like to show your appreciation... click on an ad every now and then. Those ads are what keeps AE:tM online. Advertising proceeds provide the money for both the server space and for more books used in the research of everything online.
And please excuse my French...
October 30, 1999 - Yay! A new symbol-- the Tree!
October 21, 1999 - The FAQ has been updated with a couple of questions about the web site. A new goddess has been added to the Deities, Meretseger. Eek! Looks like there was a silly typo in one of the pages that ruined the integrity of the frames. It has been fixed now.
October 20, 1999 - A new article has been added to the Land about how the Egyptians perfected mummification. Also, a new symbol has been added, the Sky.
August 25, 1999 - The information about Elephantine, the cult center of Khnemu, has been updated.
August 23, 1999 - A new symbol is online, the sekhem scepter. Some new images also illustrate the sistrum and Khnemu pages.
July 5, 1999 - A search engine has been added to the site, courtesy of BeSeen.
June 28, 1999 - The information about Ma'at was updated, and the Links have been re-formatted.
June 10, 1999 - General improvements including a new title image in rotation, updated links and a new "Return Home" navigation image.
June 6, 1999 - A new question as been added to the FAQ regarding the Re vs. Ra controversy.
May 17, 1999 - We have received several questions regarding the new movie "The Mummy" and places and events depicted in the film. In response, please enjoy "The Mummy: What They Got Wrong".
May 16, 1999 - The title image on the opening page now rotate between several images. Site was enhanced for search engine robots.
May 10, 1999 - AE:tM is one of the featured links for the official ABC web site for their TV movie about Cleopatra!
May 3, 1999 - Lots and lots of new changes!!! Please read on!
The serekh, or palace wall symbol, has been added to the Symbols. The FAQ has also been updated. Further, an image of an actual ritual flint knife is featured on the Knife page.
Regular visitors will of course recognize that a new title image for the site has appeared. I hope you like it.
Finally, the non-framed section of the site is offline for now while evaluations take place to determine whether it is worth maintaining.
April 26, 1999 - The Land section has been updated and improved with descriptions of most of the information contained therein.
A page about the headdresses of the gods and goddesses is now in the Land section... It isn't finished yet, but just as picture references it should be useful until it is completed.
A new picture of Isis is online, too.
April 21, 1999 - AE:tM now has sponsors! Please support the site by clicking on the ads on the web pages!
April 8, 1999 - A new symbol have been added, the baboon.
March 19, 1999 - More info about Ptah!
March 16, 1999 - Ma'at was updated today.
March 6, 1999 - Osiris has been updated.
March 3, 1999 - The information about Selket has been updated.
February 28, 1999 - The FAQ has been updated. More information about the question "Why are there so many different myths or versions of myths to explain the same phenomenon?" has been added. Seshat has been added to the Deities. Some broken links were fixed.
February 26, 1999 - The information for Seth has been updated.
February 24, 1999 - the Bookstore has been updated to include descriptions of each book.
January 26, 1999 - "Last Updated" info is now found at the bottom of the entrance page of every major section, as well as the entrance page.
January 24, 1999 - Serapis was added to the Deities and the FAQ was updated. The FAQ now includes info about the Pyramid and Coffin Texts. Also, general clean-up was done throughout the site.
January 21, 1999 - Anqet and Satet have been updated.
January 17, 1999 - Wow! New URL! And a new e-mail address. You can now e-mail the author at Netjert@EgyptianMyths.net
January 12, 1999 - New information has been added about Mut and Tefnut.
January 7, 1999 - The cartouche was added to the Symbols and Aker is the newest deity online. And the "What's New?" page was created.
Previously... - The FAQ has been updated. The knife has been added to the Symbols. Obviously, a new entrance page has been added.
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